
Big Apple Chapel is a New Testament based church in New York City, modeled after the pattern of the early church, with a strong emphasis on following Christ as a community of His disciples.

  • Sunday - 10:30 am
  • 520 8th Ave, 16th floor
    New York, NY
  • phone: +1 (973) 837-1041


Truthbase Glossary

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filled with the holy spirit
Definition:Being controlled by the Word of the Spirit of Truth


Definition:Writing our own agenda in pencil


Definition:Choice of the wrong objectives


Definition:One who lacks wisdom


Definition:Choosing the wrong (temporal) objectives or the wrong way of achieving them (opp of wisdom, no fear of the Lord)


Definition:Sex between unmarried people, seeking immediate/temporal gratification from lack of self-control and trust in God's wisdom and strength b/c of a lack of a fulfilling relship with God


Definition:Manifestation of God’s inherent power and rulership which results in supreme worth being attributed to Him; making God look good in the eyes of others


Definition:Lust for Gratification at the cost of Responsibility


Definition:Good worship; doing and contenting yourself w/all that a deity requires; knowing, being and doing all that God requires; habitual application of the truth


godly man
Definition:Godly man/woman: Person who knows what God wants and is doing it


good works
Definition:God-like acts that make God look good; purposeful Christlike actions, prompted and enabled by the HS of grace, which eternally benefit others (through having real needs met), God (by making Him look good in the eyes of others) and ourselves (through growt


Definition:God-like actions which benefit others


Definition:Coin of the realm of heaven; enables you to conduct business in heaven; bestowal of HS; all sufficient power; 1. Saves us rom 3:24 2. Sanctifies 2 cor 12:9; grow in ability to draw on God 3. grace to be given 2 pet 1; 1 pet 1:10


Definition:Separate or distinct, different; God is holy - He is separate and distinct from other gods


honoring others
Definition:Having affirmation from God so I can pass some along to others


Definition:Ability to persevere for the prize; enduring hardships in anticipation for reward; expectation of sharing in the glory of JC


Definition:A proper, realistic view of ourselves in relation to God (dependent creatures) and others (servant), that allows us ti enthusiastically embrace God's sovereign will (obedience) and focus on serving others' need (without thought of our temporal loss or ben


Definition:Lust for Pleasure at the cost of Love


Definition:You don't want someone else to have the thing you have


Definition:Overwhelming sense of well-being which results in expressing exhuberance to god, even in the midst of suffering; result of choosing what's best (implies discernmt of what is best from God's perspective


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